Missing home at university? Learn practical strategies to overcome homesickness, build new friendships, personalize your space, and thrive on campus. Practical Tips for Feeling at Home Away from Home

Missing home at university?

Leaving the comfort of home can stir up feelings of longing and anxiety. Homesickness is normal—but it doesn’t have to overshadow your varsity experience. By applying a few practical strategies, you can transform those pangs of longing into excitement and growth.

Understanding Homesickness

Homesickness often emerges from sudden changes in environment, routine, and social support. Acknowledge that these feelings are valid and temporary.

Staying Connected, Not Clinging

  • Scheduled Calls or Video Chats: Set a weekly call time with family or friends.
  • Care Packages: Receive or send small tokens that remind you of home.
  • Social Media & Messaging: Stay in touch without spending all your time online—maintain balance.

Create a Homey Space

  • Add personal touches like photos, posters, or familiar bedding.
  • Aromatherapy (a favorite scented candle) can help bring comforting vibes.
  • Display small mementos that evoke happy memories.

Embracing Campus Life

  • Join clubs, attend study groups, or volunteer to meet like-minded individuals.
  • Introduce yourself to neighbors in your dorm—shared living spaces often lead to new friendships.
  • Consider attending on-campus events; they’re great icebreakers.

Read “Orientation 101” and “Navigating the Campus” as you integrate socially and navigate campus amenities.

Missing home at university? | dealing with homesickness

Conclusion | Thrive on campus

Homesickness is a stepping stone to personal growth. By maintaining connections, personalizing your environment, and opening yourself up to new friendships, you’ll soon feel at home in your new academic world.

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